Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 Clinician Version (SCID-5-CV)

The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 Clinician Version (SCID-5-CV) is a semi-structured interview guide for providers or researchers making the major Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) diagnoses most commonly seen in clinical settings.
Description: The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 Clinician Version (SCID-5-CV) is a semi-structured interview guide for providers or researchers making the major Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) diagnoses most commonly seen in clinical settings.
Disease States: Bipolar disorder, Major depressive disorder, Schizophrenia
Validated Uses: Screening
Administration Method: Clinician-report
Time to administer: 30-180 minutes
Commonly used in: Clinical Trials & Research, Clinical Practice
Detailed Description: The SCID-5-CV is a semi-structured diagnostic interview for clinicians that covers the most commonly seen DSM-5 diagnoses in clinical settings. Interview subjects may be psychiatric or medical patients. The SCID-5-CV is used during clinical intake or forensic diagnostic evaluations, and to help improve diagnostic interviewing skills in the mental health field.1
Scale Validity: There is no reliability or validity data available for the SCID-5 beyond validation of the NetSCID-5 products.
Alternative Versions: There are 5 different versions of SCID-5, including 3 versions for the major DSM-5 diagnoses for researchers (SCID-5-RV), clinicians (SCID-5-CV), and clinical trials (SCID-5-CT).
Cited Limitations: It may not be possible to administer the SCID-5-CV interview to subjects with moderate or severe intellectual disabilities, those who are not able to answer the questions due to cognitive impairment, or to subjects with medical or psychiatric illnesses inhibiting their participation in an interview.1


Supporting references are as follows:
Disease State: Bipolar disorder, Major depressive disorder, Schizophrenia1; Validated Uses: Screening1; Administration Method: Clinician or trained mental health professional1; Time to Administer: 30–180 minutes2; Commonly used in: Clinical Practice, Clinical Study, Study Populations, Professional Skill Development1; Cited Limitations2

This resource is intended for educational purposes only and is intended for US healthcare professionals. Healthcare professionals should use independent medical judgment. All decisions regarding patient care must be handled by a healthcare professional and be made based on the unique needs of each patient. 


ABBV-US-01579-MC, Version 1.0 
Approved 04/2024 
AbbVie Medical Affairs 


  1. First MB, Williams JBW, Karg RS, Spitzer RL. Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 Disorders, Clinician Version (SCID-5-CV). American Psychiatric Association; 2016.  
  2. Columbia University Department of Psychiatry. Structured Clinical Interview for DSM Disorders (SCID). Accessed April 11, 2024. 

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